Tuesday, July 18, 2006

Something for the specialists... The cockpit will not be built to the original width because this would be 2.80m or more at the rear wall. But I want to have it transportable and this requires a maximum size of 2.50m or it will be a special oversize transport with authorization by the police.... far too complicated.
So, it needed to make a compromise between the original size and userfriendlyness.


MajorFibbs said...

Hallo Chrigl

Respekt vor dem Vortschritt.

Wenn du dünne 0.3 - 0.8mm Alu-Abfallbleche brauchst, lass es mich wissen. Bei uns in der Firma habe wir Kiloweise davon.

Gruss - Valentin

MajorFibbs said...

Fortschritt, natürlich.

(Wer Rechtschreibefehler findet, darf sie behalten.